Grant Recipients
2005: Milo Productions Inc. (sponsor: Islamic Association of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon) Inc.) for the project “A New Life in a New Land: Presenters Training.” [To learn more about the production, visit the "A New Life in a New Land" website
2005: Muslim Educational Network, Training and Outreach Service (MENTORS) for the project “Count Me In: Empowering Newcomer Parents to Build Inclusive Schools.” [To learn more about MENTORS, click HERE]
2005: Islamic Social Services and Resources Association (ISSRA) for the project “On Behalf of Our Children” homework club. [To learn more about ISSRA, clickHERE]
2005: Federation of Muslim Women(FMW)/Islamic Social Services and Resources Association for the project “Youth Community Connections.” [To learn more about FMW, click HERE]
2006: Federation of Muslim Women/Islamic Social Services and Resources Association – ISSRA for the project “Youth Community Connections Phase 2.”
2006: Canadian Association of Muslims with Disabilities (CAMD)/Muslim Educational Network, Training and Outreach Service (MENTORS) for the project “Towards an Inclusive Ummah – Breaking Down Barriers For Muslims who are Deaf”
2006: Islamic Chaplaincy Services Canada and the Ontario Multifaith Council for the project “Violence Anger and Conflict Awareness Program (VACAP)”.
2006: Scouts Canada for the project “One World, One Promise, Scouts Canada Video Project.”
2008: University of Toronto for the project “Muslim Education Roundtable Project @ OISE/UT”
2008: DawaNet for the project “Art Exhibit: MuslimFest 2008”
2010: ISNA Canada for MIST, Muslim Interscholastic Tournament, on May 21-24 2010.
2012: Big Brothers and Big Sisters Toronto for "Somali Leadership Club"
2013: Youth Troopers for Global Awareness (YTGA) / Peel Multicultural Council for the "How To Train Your Computer Project."
2013: The Intergeneration Community Network Services (TICNS)/ Social Services Network for “The Craft Club – Program for Women."
2014: The Inspirit Foundation / Environics Institute for the project, “2014 Survey of Muslims in Canada."
2014: Faith & the Common Good for the project, “Neighbourhood Community Service Resilience Hubs."
2014: Tessellate Institute / ISNA Schools for the project “Neglected Voices Curriculum Pack."
2015: METRAC for the project, “Faith to End Violence and Oppression Project."
2015: Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts Centre/Popular Education and Research Catalyst Centre Incorporated for the project, “In Focus: Identity Project – a Community Broadcast Training Initiative for Youth."
2015: Hospital for Sick Children - Adolescent Medicine for the Yusuf’s Heart Charity Drive.
2016: The Christian-Jewish Dialogue/Institute Of Canadian Archives for the project, “Hearts and Minds - Interfaith Living Library Edition."
2016: Ottawa Muslim Association for the project, “Say Salaam Campaign – Conflict Mediation Techniques for Muslims”; the project will be developed by the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM).
2017: This is Worldtown/Children’s Peace Theatre for the project, “This is Worldtown: Muslimah Mediamakers Unearthing the Experience of their Communities."
2018: Ottawa Muslim Association for the project, "Know Your Rights, Know Your Responsibilities: A Pocket Guide for Canadian Muslims.”; the project will be developed by the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM).
2018: DEEN Support Services for the project, “Count Us In: Mapping the Needs of Muslims with Disabilities.”
2019: Ryerson University for the project, “The Ryerson Muslim Staff and Faculty Community Network.”
2019: Tessellate Institute for the project, “14 & Muslim Documentary Engagement Initiative: School Events and Public Screening with Panel Discussion (Ottawa).”
2020: Windsor Islamic Association and National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) for the project, "Tackling White Supremacy in Canada"
2020: Faith & the Common Good and EnviroMuslims for the project, “Greening Canadian Mosques”
2020: Urban Alliance on Race Relations and Black Muslim Initiative for the project, “Black Muslims: A study into our lived experiences.”
2021: The Neighbourhood Organization (TNO) for the project, “Thorncliffe Park Pollinator Habitat Project.”
2021: Faith & the Common Good and EnviroMuslims for the project, “Greening Canadian Mosques: Climate Conversations.”
2021: Arabian Muslim Association /Canadian Islamic Centre (Al Rashid Mosque) for the project, “Victims Assistance Program.”
2021: The Canadian Council of Churches for the project, “Canadian Christian-Muslim Network.”
2022: Thunder Bay Public Library for the project, “Inclusive Collections”
2022: Ontario Nature for the project, “Youth Circle for Mother Earth,”
2023: First Nations Child & Family Caring Society for The Spirit Bear Award
2023: Refugee Women’s Network for the project, ‘Women Helping Women’
2023: GPS Health Navigators for the project to support refugee palliative care
2023: York University's CIFAL York Centre to fund the creation of an educational animated film titled 'Jonathan.'