We are a charitable endowment foundation that is dedicated to enhancing community life through the establishment of endowed funds and responsible grant-making in Canada.
By joining us, you will make a difference in the lives of many Canadians, as well as establish future community initiatives that are important to YOU. Together, we’ve been making meaningful and lasting impacts in communities since 2004.

To promote and perpetuate philanthropy and enhance community life through responsible grant making in Canada. to enable our communities to realize their full potential.
The Foundation is a charitable organization founded in 2004 by civic leader to attract and manage permanent endowment funds and to distribute income from those funds back to the community. We provide grants to registered charitable organizations for projects that sustain or improve quality of life in the community.
Unlike other charities, which are usually dedicated to a single cause, the Olive Tree Foundation supports a range of charitable activities in our community: social, community and health services; education and library services; policy institutes and think tanks; and arts, culture & heritage. Because of this unique mandate, we can provide seed funding for new projects or other initiatives that might otherwise fall between the cracks.
Our Foundation also has a mandate to act as a catalyst for community initiatives that support and sustain our community. An endowment foundation (Waqf) is an institution that has been part of the Islamic historical experience and has provided for the flourishing of the Muslim contribution to societies. The establishment of such an institution in Canada will provide a vehicle for leading an ongoing legacy and contribution to the Muslim community and to Canada.
Promote the growth, development and success of community endeavors within the Foundations areas of interest
Provide philanthropic leadership
Manage funds responsibly while respecting Islamic financial principles
Operate in an open, accessible and ethical manner
Encourage and nurture innovation
Strengthen community capacity and volunteerism
Enable and encourage human growth, dignity, inclusiveness, fairness and the equality of all people
Work as a catalyst within the charitable sector
Develop partnerships
Promote sustainability
Our Team
We're building great things, and we need your talent. Our team members come to OTF via diverse paths. What unites us is a shared passion for enhancing community life.
What is Waqf?
An endowment made by an individual or group to a religious, educational, or charitable cause.
Annual Reports
Comprehensive report on a our activities throughout the preceding year.
Investment Policy
General investment goals and objectives of OTF and the strategies we employ to meet our objectives.
Privacy Policy
Discloses some of the ways a OTF gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data.
Terms of Service
Legal agreements between a service provider and a person who wants to use that service