Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions about leaving a legacy gift in your will to Olive Tree Foundation? You are not alone. Below are the answers to some of the most common questions we receive about planned giving.
Why should I leave a legacy gift to Olive Tree Foundation?
A planned gift to Olive Tree Foundation shows your undeniable commitment to
You believe that all people deserve to live in dignity and security, and you want your legacy to be one that helps overcome inequality and injustice around the world. If this describes you, a legacy gift to Olive Tree Foundation can make your legacy plans a reality.
To find more details, read about these types of planned gifts. Your financial advisor can help you determine what type of charitable gift is best for you.
What are the different types of planned gifts I can leave for Olive Tree Foundation?
While bequests are the most common type of legacy gift, it is not the only type. You can donation through life insurance, RRSPs/RRIFs, endowments funds and more.
How can I learn more?
For more information, please email us at info@olivetreefoundation.ca or give us a call at 416-900 6702.
What is a will?
A will is a legal document that outlines your requests and preferences in distributing your money, property and possessions upon your death.
Who can leave a gift in their will to charity?
Anyone who wishes to do so! It doesn’t matter your age, assets or wealth. And you might be surprised to learn just how much you can give in this way while still taking care of your loved ones. For many people, a gift in their will includes assets like property or investments – things that you can’t typically use when making a regular gift to charity.
What types of gifts in wills are most common?
A gift in your will can be made in several ways, and we encourage you to speak with your lawyer to choose the type of gift that is right for you. The two most common types of gifts are residual and fixed.
A residual bequest is made from a percentage of everything you own, minus any debts. If you know you want to leave a gift in your will to charities close to your heart, but don’t necessarily know what your future finances may look like, this option may work for you.
A fixed bequest involves making a gift of a specific dollar amount in your will.
Can I leave a gift in my will and still provide for my family?
Yes! We completely understand that this may be one of the most important considerations for you in drafting your will. There are many ways to do this. Some people divide their estate into percentages, much like you would cut up a pie, leaving a portion to each of their children, grandchildren, loved ones and another to CARE. You may want to talk to your professional advisors regarding your estate plan. A gift in your will can provide relief from, and in some cases eliminate entirely, taxes on your estate.
Do I need to re-do my entire will to include my gift to OTF?
No! Even if your will has already been written, you can include Olive Tree Foundation using a special legal clause called a codicil. We have sample codicil language available that you and your legal professional may find useful. You can also choose to add Olive Tree Foundation to your will next time you update it.
Isn’t it more important to donate now rather than later?
Both are important, and Olive Tree Foundation is grateful for all donors who are using their support to empower women and strengthen communities worldwide. But a gift in your will is an extraordinary way to leave a legacy that will last for years to benefit future generations.
Should I tell you about my decision?
We understand that choosing to make a gift in your will is a very personal decision, and you certainly don’t have to talk to us about it. However, if you do let us know that you’ve included Olive Tree Foundation in your will, please email info@olivetreefoundation.ca