Mohamed and Opheerah Nasir Endowment Fund
The ‘Mohamed and Opheerah Nasir Endowment Fund’ was established to honor the significant contributions to the Canadian Muslim community of late Mohamed Nasir and his wife, Opheerah Nasir; and as a memorial to honor their parents Shabaan and Mohammed Nasir (parents of Opheerah) and Jinette and Mohamed Ishmael (parents of Mohamed).
Mohamed Nasir
Mohamed Nasir was a well-known business leader in Guyana prior to immigrating to Canada.
He was born on May 10, 1924 on the West Coast of Demerara and was one of the young businessmen who launched successful businesses in the capital city of Georgetown in the emerging nation of British Guiana in the 1950’s.
By the early 1960’s, he had established a successful pharmaceutical business, Twins Drug Services at 99 Regent Street in Georgetown, which formed part of a chain of family businesses.
The Twins Drug Companies have been one of the oldest family businesses in Guyana.
While in Guyana, Mohamed Nasir gained a reputation for supporting community initiatives.
He was involved in the late 1950s and early 1960s in the Muslim community with the United Sadr Islamic Anjuman and was an active member of the Queenstown Jama Masjid and Kitty Masjid in Guyana.
In 1973, he arrived in Toronto and immediately became actively involved in public service.
He spearheaded the establishment of the Islamic Foundation of Toronto Centre in the city’s east end, one of the largest Islamic Centers in Canada and a landmark building in Scarborough (at Markham Road, north of Sheppard Avenue).
He raised the profile of the organization and of Toronto’s Muslim community with his extensive travels in the Muslim world in the 1980s and 90s, in support of the Islamic Foundation‘s project.
He held the position of President of the Board of Directors of the Islamic Foundation for close to two decades, the longest-serving President of the organization.
His inclusive nature encouraged active participation of all ethnic and cultural groups, as well as, women and youths in the Islamic Foundation during his term.
He also served as the Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Canadian Islamic Trust Foundation, a nationally based foundation serving the Muslim community and as a past member of the Majlis Ash-Shura of ISNA, a continental Muslim organization.
He was instrumental in the establishment of a number of other non-profit and charitable associations in Canada.
In 1993, Mohamed Nasir was recognized by the Canadian government for his community service and philanthropy with the commemorated medal for the 125thAnniversary of Canadian Confederation for making “a significant contribution to Canada, to his community and to fellow Canadians.
”The award stated that “the decoration is a reminder of the values of service, individual respect and community effort on which Canada was built and on which its quality of life will always depend.”

Opheerah Nasir
Opheerah was one of the pioneers in the development of the Muslim community in Toronto.
She was the fourth child of the well-known Guyanese Muslim leader and Imam, Mohamed Ahmad Nasir of the Vreed-en-Hoop Masjid and Shaban McDoom.
On immigrating to Canada in 1973 with her husband and family, Opheera Nasir became actively engaged in public service with the Islamic Foundation of Toronto, the Jami Mosque and the MSA Women’s Committee.
The late pioneer was a pillar of the Islamic Foundation community in its early history, mentoring younger women and organizing educational seminars, youth camps and cultural events. She accompanied her husband, the late Mohamed Nasir, in his extensive travels in the Muslim world in the 1980s and 90s, in support of the Islamic Foundation‘s project.
She served as the Canadian Zonal Representative of the MSA Women’s Committee in the 1970s and was also actively engaged in the Jami Mosque and ISNA communities.
In 1991, the Ontario Women’s Directorate recognized Opheera Nasir for her `contributions as an advocate of women.’
The award stated, “the decoration is a reminder of the values of service, individual respect and community effort on which Canada was built and on which its quality of life will always depend.”

Tribute by Shaikh Ahmad Kutty
Pioneers of the Muslim-Canadian Community: Br. Muhammad and Sr. Opheera Nasir
On November 10, 2014, Sr. Opheera Nasir passed on to the mercy of Allah.
Active in the Muslim community in Canada for over three decades, she was one of its founding pioneers.
No history of our community would be complete without mentioning the dedication and sacrifices of Sr. Opheera and her late husband, Br. Muhammad Nasir.
After arriving in Toronto from Guyana in 1973, they were in the forefront of the community serving in various capacities both as volunteers and leaders.
They were known as a caring couple, always ready to help those in need.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) mentions those who people turn to in their time of need as the chosen ones on the Day of Judgment.
I met Br. Muhammad and Sr. Opheera in the late seventies when I served as an Imam at the Jami Mosque (Islamic Center of Canada).
They were active in Islamic community work from when the first North American Muslim organization, the MSA, was a vibrant and youthful committee and continued to be involved as the MSA evolved into ISNA, the continental organization.
Br. Muhammad went on to serve as the Chairman of the Canadian Islamic Trust and the President of Islamic Foundation for many years.
The couple was always generous and willing to place their energies and resources at the service of Islam and Muslims.
This included organizing ideas and people.
The Islamic Foundation of Toronto at Markham and Nugget was primarily the fruit of the selfless work of the dedicated volunteers under the steady and inspiring leadership of Br. Muhammad Nasir.
Sr. Opheera served as the Chair of the Women’s Committee at the mosque.
In this capacity she organized fundraising initiatives such as bake sales and other creative projects to raise much-needed funds for the Foundation’s growth.
She was also instrumental in bringing the voice of women to several key organizing committees at the mosque - by encouraging other women to participate through her example.
Br. Muhammad and Sr. Opheera were also at the forefront of establishing the Islamic Institute of Toronto.
Sr. Opheera took the initiative to organize the Senior Sisters’ group at IIT; her son, Br. Muneeb, served as IIT president for a number of years.
Being sent away from my home starting from the age of ten for education, I did not have the good fortune of keeping the company of my late parents except on short intervals during the holidays.
However, both Br. Muhammad and Sr. Opheera treated my wife, Zuhra, and I as their own children and showered us with their loving care.
Being life-long partners and companions, Br. Muhammad’s death brought much grief to Sr. Opheera.
Whenever we visited her, she would fondly remember him as if he were still alive.
We read in the traditions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that close to death, Allah gives intimations of death to His righteous servants.
When my wife and I visited Sr. Opheera a few days before her death, she mentioned her deceased mother and brothers calling her to join them; she said she was dying.
An ever-conscientious Muslimah, she had her shrouds ready.
Before closing, I must mention the consistent loving care her son and three daughters gave their parents.
As a son, Br. Muneeb set an example for all Muslims to follow in regards to caring for one’s parents in their old age.
During my four decades of service as an Imam, I’ve never met anyone who has surpassed him in achieving excellence in the noble work of serving one’s parents.
It is an inspiration for everyone.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “You are witnesses of Allah on this earth.”
It is in this spirit I wish to state the following: We fondly cherish the memory of Br. Muhammad and Sr. Opheera, for their good deeds and their sacrifices for the community.
So, we implore the Beneficent Lord to forgive their sins and mistakes and provide them an honorable place in jannatul firdaws in the company of prophets and the righteous people. And may the All-Merciful Lord also honour us to join their company after death.