Act Now, Give Forever

Olive Tree Foundation helps caring people accomplish their charitable goals

Olive Tree Foundation is a Canadian charity that promotes community development through the collection of endowed funds, the earnings of which are used to fund compelling needs and priorities in society. Together we’re building a stronger society.


When you establish a fund at the Foundation, you become part of a vision for our community. There are numerous ways in which you can leave a lasting legacy and contribute to launching and sustaining vital projects.


Our Foundation awards grants to Canadian charities that address compelling needs within the fields of social, health and community services; education and library services; policy; institutes and think tanks; as well as arts, culture and heritage.


Olive Tree Foundation awards scholarships and bursaries to students entering full-time programs of study at a college or university in the upcoming academic year.

Our Partners

“A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world.”


— Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him)

Contact Us

7025 Markham Road
Suite 205, Markham
ON L3S 0C3
Phone: 416-900 6702


Charity Business Number: 857334700RR0001